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Moji5 Knowledgebase

Mar 28, 2021
Usage of New DateTime in the Behavior
In this post, will be showing the enhancement for the new DateTime in the behavior. To assign a value to the DateTime field, need to put:...
Mar 8, 2021
Calling Ajax Library from client
To call the Ajax library from external web api, will need to get the endpoint for the library Endpoint:

Mar 8, 2021
Creating Ajax Library in M5 app
To create the Ajax library, navigate to the Ajax library section in your app. App -> Edit -> Ajax Library Create new Ajax library to...

Mar 2, 2021
Displaying Message on the Form
M5 lets the user to display notification message. In this example, will show the message when land on the page. Get to the Form config...

Jan 20, 2021
Creating Cascading Dropdown
M5 have a function to create cascading dropdowns for your applications by just providing a simple relationship between the tables. The...

Jan 20, 2021
Client side calculation
M5 have a feature that helps user to calculate any kinds of calculation from simple addition to multiplications and more. Firstly, create...

Oct 26, 2020
Dynamic Form Frames
The form frame is much more dynamic, which can be changed from "Theme > Master Setting" html codes The from title are can be easily...

Oct 26, 2020
Theme Coding
The user is able to modify how the theme works, by either removing or adjusting the position of the user profiles i.e fullname, Title,...
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